Brand Identity and Web Design
Working to end violence for all women
With North York Women’s Shelter

The new NYWS brand centrepiece illustration.
Since 2018
Brand Positioning, Visual Identity, Website Design, Website Development
North York Women’s Shelter needed a new brand that communicates their mantra of safety, power & sisterhood as they work to end violence for all women. Their work is wide-reaching and encompasses everything from their brand new anti-violence centre to justice campaigns demanding an end to gender-based violence globally. NYWS is constantly evolving to meet the needs of their community, and the new brand is a reflection of this evolution. Helping to capture the diversity, respect, strength and knowledge with which they approach these problems, the brand is a flexible system that adapts and changes as they do.

Elements of the brand centrepiece make up a brand toolkit that can be easily applied to different touchpoints at both a large and small scale.

The brand translates seamlessly into a digital space to create a warm & welcoming web presence for the organization.
Circle Of Care
The new NYWS identity comes together to create a well rounded brand experience. It has the ability to communicate both optimism and urgency as they move forward with this critical work. Photography is a thoughtful part of the brand as some industry subject matter may carry sensitivities, and photographs are always carefully selected to convey the right mood and message – optimistic without taking away from the seriousness of their work. The brand can be easily applied to different touchpoints and works well at both a large and small scale. From social media, to printed collateral, to signage & wayfinding, the NYWS brand toolkit allows the organization to put their signature anywhere they need to.

The NYWS brand toolkit allows the organization to create custom collateral for their different campaigns.

The NYWS brand functions beautifully on social media platforms as well.
Communicating with Optimism & Urgency
The new NYWS identity comes together to create a well rounded brand experience. It has the ability to communicate both optimism and urgency as they move forward with this critical work. Photography is a thoughtful part of the brand as some industry subject matter may carry sensitivities, and photographs are always carefully selected to convey the right mood and message – optimistic without taking away from the seriousness of their work. The brand can be easily applied to different touchpoints and works well at both a large and small scale. From social media, to printed collateral, to signage & wayfinding, the NYWS brand toolkit allows the organization to put their signature anywhere they need to.